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If you cruise the Great Lakes, you may see a distinctive burgee with five interconnected chain-links that form a complete circle. It identifies the boat's owners as members of the Great Lakes Cruising Club (GLCC).

We proudly fly our GLCC burgees from the bow staffs of our power cruisers or from the spreaders of our sailboats. And we do get around. GLCC members take their boats far and wide on North America's five Great Lakes and their tributaries. We are found on the water from Duluth to Quebec; from Chicago to Buffalo; and from Toledo to Toronto. Some members are partial to the legendary North Channel, while others prefer cruising the secluded wilderness of Lake Superior's North Shore. The club has more than 2,500 members in the U.S. and Canada. We are known to be a friendly bunch of serious boaters who warmly welcome new members and are willing to share our love of the lakes and our knowledge about how to cruise them.

Click here to visit the GLCC main site

Upcoming classes

Lake Huron is blessed with many wonderful and interesting ports and small towns up and down both the Canadian and Michigan shorelines. The Lake Huron webinar will cover the ports and anchorages surrounding the main lake including the Straits of Mackinac, the east Michigan shore and the west Ontario shore. Updated for 2025, join Admiral Bayfield Award winner Craig Murchison as he shares his extensive cruising experiences throughout the Lake.
Radar is an extremely useful tool, but do you know how to use it effectively? This webinar will help you discover your radar's full potential.
Marine Weather Basics is the first class in the GLCC School’s four-part Marine Weather Essentials series tailored for Great Lakes boaters and offered for either individual or specially priced package registration.
Looking for a leisurely type of cruise with historic charms and extensive use of canals that can be completed in as little as a month? Then you might be interested in the Triangle Loop, a 700-mile loop from Kingston, Ontario down the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Richelieu Canal/Ottaway River through the Champlain Canal and back to the Hudson River at Troy. Join Gold Loopers and GLCC Admiral Bayfield Award winners Deb and Mike Hervey as they share tips and suggestions for this picturesque Loop.