Introduction to Cruising the Great Lakes

Would you like to create a lifetime of adventures without having to fly around the world? The five Great Lakes, virtually in your back yard, have more than 10,000 miles of shoreline to explore. This is the greatest fresh water on earth. No sticky salt, no dangerous fish, no pirates, just a chance to see a part of this world from the “Fresh Water Sea”.
Trying to figure out how to get your kids and grandkids back outdoors and away from the computer screen? Cruising the Great Lakes is the way to do it. This webinar will give you an overview on how it can be done and how much fun and rewarding it will be.
Instructor Craig Murchison has spent a lifetime on the Great Lakes in all sorts of boats with his first mate Pam, has been long distance, big boat cruising since 1993. Whether you cruise as a couple, or with friends, or even if you single hand, you’ll find that a sail or power cruising boat can become your own personal Great Lakes magic carpet, unlocking experiences that will last a lifetime. Craig will be talking about how to get started, what you will need, and places near and far on each of the Great Lakes.
While not a prerequisite, this webinar is highly recommended for anyone planning to attend one or more of the many detailed individual lake and lake region webinars offered at